McKinsey Partner Salary: How Much Can a Partner at McKinsey, BCG, or Bain Actually Make?

Note: Salaries for consulting roles can vary immensely. However, you can find accurate salary ranges - based on the current market - in our interactive salary guide calculator.
A career in a consulting role in one of the top tier strategy consulting firms will most certainly enable you to have a challenging, diverse and fulfilling career engaging with some super smart folk whether you progress right through to Partner or decide to pursue a role in industry after reaching manager level and obtaining that illustrious ‘tool kit’.
For those that do tick all the boxes and go on to succeed as a partner, the compensation can be rewarding (you can find all rates in the online salary calculator). Although MBB are very guarded when it comes to the actual formula when it comes to paying partners' annual salaries, the answer to the question is anywhere between $500k - $5m+.
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Partner level
For a confidential discussion around salaries, market insights or talent availability, feel free to reach out to our strategy recruitment team.
- An associate partner's base salary is around $300K to $400K
- A junior partner’s base salary is around $400k - $500k
- A senior partner’s base salary is around $500k - $650k
There are many considerations that contribute to salary packages to include the following:
Personal brand & contributing to the business
Things like recruiting take up a huge amount of time. (Only 1% of applicants to McKinsey actually get hired.) As does speaking at conferences, boosting the business’s brand, mentoring and alike.
So all in all, the total compensation for a junior partner can be between $500k and $1m.
- Base: $350k- $500k
- Bonus: $150k- $500k
And for a senior partner we are looking at a salary of up to $5m+
- Base: $500k - $650k
- Bonus: $550k - $4.5m+
If you're looking for more market insights or want to have a confidential discussion, our strategy recruitment team is happy to help.