First 90 DAYS Template
Set yourself up for success in the first 90 days! Download the 90 Days template for candidates for a structured plan on setting and achieving your…
3 Trends Defining The Future Of Recruiting
Never before have so many industries concurrently implemented hiring freezes, truly displaying the historic magnitude of the COVID-19 pandemic. Whilst…
On Demand Webinar: Looking Beyond: How to prepare your…
The response to the COVID-19 pandemic has been positive for most countries and now is the right time to take stock, revisit your strategy and start…
8 Ways To Help Improve Your Employee Retention Rates
Employee retention is critical to the overall success of a business. “Our people are our greatest asset” can be heard time and time again in the…
On Demand Webinar: Strategic People Planning &…
This period of uncertainty is creating new challenges for business owners, leaders, and HR professionals. During this session, Phil Jordan from…
Does COVID-19 affect contract staffing needs?
It is always the traditional hot season for job hunting after Chinese New Year here in Hong Kong. But this year, unfortunately we had it disrupted by…
On Demand Webinar: How to Navigate Covid 19 Workforce…
Using real-world examples from around the globe, Michael Priddis, CEO of Faethm, shared what major corporates like Mastercard and Adobe plus…
How to manage remote teams: Tips for employers in Hong…
With technological advances and fast internet for most, the workforce is better equipped now than it ever has been to effectively and efficiently work…
Survey on the Impact of COVID-19
In late March, Morgan McKinley conducted a survey with clients across Hong Kong, Shanghai and Singapore to understand how have their businesses been…