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New Year, New Engagement: How Employers Can Combat…
The post-holiday season often brings more than a fresh calendar- it’s accompanied by the “January blues,” a sense of low energy, motivation, and even…
New Year, New Motivation: Tips to Overcome the January…
Do you still find it hard to shake off the sand from the beach you visited this holiday, or get over the taste of that delicious pastry you had from…
How to ask for a pay rise?
You’re good at your job—you may even be great at it. You’re an integral member of the team and an advocate for the wider business.
Considering a career move?
If you want to progress or even move into a new industry, browse our current vacancies to find your ideal job today.
VIEW ALL JOBSWhat To Do If A Salary Comparison Reveals You're…
Most people’s primary career motivation is to earn as much money as they can; it’s natural to strive for a higher salary as you progress through your…
This is no time to ‘quiet quit'—why we have to…
In September 2023, the World Economic Forum highlighted that the future of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the US was in jeopardy…
7 Ways To Boost Employee Engagement And Productivity
Companies put enormous effort into attracting "the best and the brightest". However, after the thrill of this chase, what is your retention and…
The Importance Of A Strong Corporate Culture
The recent passing of a consulting firm employee in India, following allegations of excessive workload and pressure, has sparked widespread discussions…
Does Your Job Title Reflect Your Reality?
Have you ever found yourself in a dilemma where a promising job offer, filled with growth opportunities and exposure to new technologies, was…
What do the widespread tech layoffs mean for…
Over the past four years, the tech sector has seen it all. From the highs of extensive hiring sprees by global tech giants and vast increases in…
Pay Transparency: A Game-Changer or a Risk?
Imagine a company where employees feel valued, motivated, and empowered. A place where there's no hidden agenda and everyone feels like they're part of…
How to calculate a starting salary for your new hire?
You've identified a need for a new team member. This is an exciting prospect, bringing fresh skills and perspectives to your organisation. But before…
What should you expect from strength-based interviews?
In the most basic terms, a strength-based interview focuses on what you enjoy doing, rather than what you are capable of doing, like in a competency-…
IR35 and ‘Off Payroll’ - Updates on contracting in the…
Under the proposed changes to IR35 due in April 2020, the responsibility of determination will move to the end hirer or client and the liability for…
How to prepare for your interview
An interview is the opportunity to present yourself in the best possible way to a prospective employer. It is necessary that you head into any…
Corporate culture - matching talent with the best…
What is corporate culture, who does it well and why is it important? What steps can organisations take if they want to positively influence the culture…
Barometer of Mental Health in the Workplace - Survey…
Three quarters of professionals who feel they may have a problem are reluctant to make use of mental health support provided by their employers, as…
How is the awareness of mental health being improved…
Awareness around mental health has significantly increased in recent years; on a global scale, societies are taking steps to reshape perceptions. This…