Bank of England Business Breakfast
After a hugely successful and engaging event in June last year, we are delighted to be welcoming back Rob Elder from the BOE as our guest speaker for…

New Year, New Engagement: How Employers Can Combat…
The post-holiday season often brings more than a fresh calendar- it’s accompanied by the “January blues,” a sense of low energy, motivation, and even…

This is no time to ‘quiet quit'—why we have to…
In September 2023, the World Economic Forum highlighted that the future of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives in the US was in jeopardy…

7 Ways To Boost Employee Engagement And Productivity
Companies put enormous effort into attracting "the best and the brightest". However, after the thrill of this chase, what is your retention and…

The Importance Of A Strong Corporate Culture
The recent passing of a consulting firm employee in India, following allegations of excessive workload and pressure, has sparked widespread discussions…

Employee Wellbeing: 7 Ways You Can Support The…
The traditional office environment has undergone a significant transformation. With the rise of hybrid work models prevalent in many industries,…

Should I Make A Counter Offer To An Employee?
That sinking feeling when a valued employee resigns hits every employer at some point. It's a domino effect—disrupted workflows, recruitment costs, and…

What’s the key to maximising engagement and supporting…
"Choose a job you love, and you’ll never work a day in your life."It’s a quote that we've all heard at some point. But does it hold true in today's…

How to handle an employee’s pay rise request
One of your employees has asked for a pay rise and it’s up to you to respond. But how do you make the right decision?