9 tips to help your remote interview run smoothly

While plenty of organisations have been set up to function with a remote workforce for some time, one particular aspect remains where a face-to-face meeting is often preferred in many industries; the interview process.
This preference is not necessarily valid anymore, with vast technological advances allowing for remote interviews to be successfully conducted from afar.
Our advice to employers holding video interviews
When you embrace the technology and have the interview arranged, there are a few important considerations for those who will be doing the interviewing. A number of our expert consultants have given their views on how to ensure your remote interviews remain unhindered, free-flowing and are a great success for both parties.
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- Use high-quality video conferencing facilities when conducting remote interviews - make sure to have an audio backup in case the technology fails
- Set out an ‘etiquette’ at the start of the conversation - mute when not speaking, ensure no background noise and no visual distractions etc.
- Allow time in your schedule for an icebreaker and introductions at the beginning of an interview - structure is even more important when interviewing remotely
- Ensure your question pattern is well prepared - the interview flow can easily become disjointed as a result of poor questioning
- Always include a discussion about company culture - it’s just as important when hiring remotely
- Send your interviewee links to any company videos or social media pages in advance so they can build an understanding of what it would be like working for your company
- Employing contract or temporary staff de-risks the hire where a face-to-face is not possible and makes a single interview process a credible platform
- If the candidate is open to it, offer a paid remote work trial to let them prove their capability of working remotely
- Build an extra ten minutes into your calendar for when the remote interview concludes so you can discuss next steps internally and move forwards with hiring decisions
Here to help you hire remotely
If you are currently hiring or planning to hire remotely in the near future, feel free to reach out to one of our consultants - a discussion about how we can support you through the process is a great way to alleviate some of your concerns.
Here are some ways we can help;
- We have high quality video conferencing facilities available for you to interview candidates - and it’s free to use!
- Our expert consultants can remotely join the interview if you would like support when it is taking place
- We can process and payroll contractors and temps on your behalf to streamline the recruitment process
As always, if you have a specific query, however large or small, contact us today.