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Morgan McKinley Terms Of Service

We’re your Career Ally. We believe your career journey extends beyond your next job opportunity. Together we will go beyond.

Our Mission

Morgan McKinley Group is a privately owned, Irish headquartered global recruitment and talent solutions business. The organisation has over 30 years experience identifying, appraising and matching exceptionally talented candidates with leading organisations worldwide. Morgan McKinley Group are committed to partnerships with the organisations we serve, the professionals we represent and the colleagues we work alongside. The business is built around real people, real opportunities and real meaning.

What Are These Terms Of Service?

These Terms of Service govern your use of Morgan McKinley Services (as defined below) and your relationship with Morgan McKinley.

By Using Our Services You Accept These Terms

By using Morgan McKinley Services, you confirm that you accept these Terms of Service and that you agree to comply with them. These terms are effective on the earlier of:


Who Is Entering Into This Agreement

The parties entering into this binding legal agreement are:

“Morgan McKinley”; “Us”; “We” and “Our”; means the Morgan McKinley entity relevant to your location as defined below.

“Candidate”; “You” and “Your” refers to the individual who initiated or selected to use Morgan McKinley Services intended to assist with job seeking or recruitment services provision including submitting your curriculum vitae to us through our website, in response to an advertisement placed by Morgan McKinley, by submitting your details directly to a consultant, by agreeing to collaborate with us to provide recruitment services to you when approached by a consultant who has sourced your data through a third party, by using interactive services on the Morgan McKinley site and/or use of related mobile applications (collectively “Morgan McKinley Services”). You represent and warrant that you are lawfully able to enter into this agreement and grant the licenses for any content that you submit to the Morgan McKinley Services.

If you are accepting the Terms of Service and using the Morgan McKinley Services on behalf of a company, organisation, or other legal entity, you represent and warrant that you are authorised to do so have the authority to bind such entity to these Terms of Service.

Other Terms That May Apply

Our Privacy Statement applies to your use of Morgan McKinley Services. Our Privacy Statement describes what information we collect, how we use and/or share this information, and how such information is maintained. By using Morgan McKinley Services, you signify your acceptance of this Privacy Statement.

At times, and depending on the services we provide you with, additional terms will be made available. All additional terms become part of your agreement with us.

We May Amend These Terms Of Service From Time To Time

We may update these Terms of Service or any additional terms that apply to a Service from time to time. We will make reasonable efforts to notify you of any changes to the Terms of Service. Any such changes shall become immediately effective. Your continued use of the Morgan McKinley Services after any change to the Terms of Services indicates your agreement to be bound by the new Terms and Conditions. Since you are bound by these Terms of Service, you should periodically refer to this agreement.

Use Of Morgan McKinley Services & Related Charges

We retain the absolute discretion to remove, discontinue, modify or change any feature of the Morgan McKinley Service or product from time to time without prior notice.

Our Services are made available to you free of charge. We do not guarantee that our Services will find you work or prospects of success in any particular case, nor do we guarantee the suitability of any work found. We do not guarantee the continued availability of any vacancy and/or that you will be interviewed or recruited. We will register you on our database when you initiate use of Morgan McKinley Services and you may be included in the searches that we conduct from time to time, depending on your relevant skills and experience.

You must not use the Morgan McKinley Service in any way that violates or causes any violation of applicable law or regulation.

Contacting Us

If you have any questions you can contact us: privacy@morganmckinley.com.

Contacting You As Part Of Our Service Provision

In connection with your use of Morgan McKinley Services, we may contact you by phone or send you a range of service related communications by email and other electronic or paper based means from time to time and as required so that we may provide the services to you.

Examples of service related communications include, but are not limited to:

If you no longer wish to receive service related communications from Morgan McKinley please refer to the section on Termination below which outlines the steps required to terminate your agreement with us.

You may choose to opt in to receive marketing communications from us and you may opt out of these at any time.

Content That You Provide

We have no intellectual property rights over the data and material that you provide to the Service. All materials uploaded or shared remain yours. As such, you are responsible for ensuring that all data is correct, accurate and up to date. We ask that content be limited to necessary information that is relevant to and necessary for work finding services. Content must not be deceiving or breach any legal duty owed to a third party, such as a duty of confidentiality. You must inform us of any changes to the information you share with us.

When you upload, submit, send or receive content to or through Morgan McKinley Services, you give Morgan McKinley a worldwide non-exclusive royalty-free license (with a right to sublicense to other Morgan McKinley companies and affiliates) to use, host, store, reproduce, modify, communicate, publish or distribute such content in accordance with our Privacy Statement for the purpose of providing you with job seeking services. The rights that you grant in this license are for the limited purpose of operating, promoting and improving Morgan McKinley Services which we provide to you. This license continues until this agreement is terminated or until such time as Morgan McKinley is legally required to retain the data so we can meet any statutory obligations we might have to you, a regulator or other legal body.


The Morgan McKinley Services are provided “as is” and on an “as available” basis. We do not guarantee that the Morgan McKinley Services will function without interruption or errors including those services contributed to by third party service providers. To the extent allowed by law, Morgan McKinley disclaims all implied representations and warranties (for example, warranties of merchantability, satisfactory quality, fitness for a particular purpose, accuracy of data, loss of data and noninfringement).

If a law does not allow certain disclaimers, these will not apply to you.

Limitation Of Liability

We do not exclude or limit our liability to you where the law does not allow us to. We exclude liability for any loss of profits, revenue or product use, or loss or inaccuracy of data, loss of your ability to use data, business interruption, or for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or consequential damages of any kind, whether or not reasonably foreseeable, incurred by you or a third party relating to use of the Morgan McKinley Services or inability to use the Morgan McKinley Services, whether arising in tort (including negligence), contract, or otherwise. We exclude all implied conditions, warranties, representations or other terms that may apply to our Services or any of the content on it or provided by you.

Morgan McKinley shall have no liability for any breach of the Terms of Service caused by circumstances beyond its reasonable control.


You may end your legal agreement with Morgan McKinley at any time by providing us with 30 days’ prior written notice by contacting us at privacy@morganmckinley.com. Please state on the email subject that you wish to terminate your agreement with us. This will result in the removal of your details from our database and we will no longer be able to provide recruitment services to you. Please note that if you request to terminate your agreement and you have previously been a contractor of Morgan McKinley we will retain information relating to that contract assignment for as long as we are legally obliged to retain the data for. All other personal information will be removed from our database.

Morgan McKinley reserves the right to terminate your access to Morgan McKinley Services for any reason, including, without limitation, if we have good reason to believe your use to be unacceptable, or in the event of any breach by you of these Terms of Service, additional terms or applicable policies (for example, if you knowingly provide us with inaccurate or falsified information that could be detrimental to us or a client if relied upon then we may be obliged to terminate your access to Morgan McKinley Services). We may, but shall be under no obligation to, provide you a warning prior to termination of your use of Morgan McKinley Services. Morgan McKinley may waive its right to terminate but reserves the right to use such rights and remedies at a later date or in any other situation where you are in breach of the Terms of Service.


In consideration of the provision of Services you agree: (i) to act in good faith towards us and our customers at all times; (ii) to provide us with such information we reasonably request to the extent that our Services applies to any assignment or proposal of work agreed with you; (iii) not to divulge to any party or use for your own benefit any information capable of being confidential and/or intellectual property relating to the business, procedures or methods of us or our customers or information received from us or our customers; (iv) comply with applicable laws, regulatory requirements and codes of practice and you agree not to do any act or cause to be done which might cause or otherwise result in a break of these Terms of Service; and (v) not do any act or thing that may be construed or perceived as bribery or fraud. Each Party acknowledges that in entering into this Agreement it does not rely on any representation, warranty, collateral contract or other assurance of the other Party that is not set out in this Agreement. Nothing in this Agreement shall, however, limit or exclude any liability for fraudulent misrepresentations.


These Terms of Service are governed and construed in accordance with the laws of the country where we are providing the Morgan McKinley Services from. Both parties to this agreement agree to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of laws of the country where we are providing the Morgan McKinley Services from. If any provision of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable by a court of law, such invalidity or unenforceability will not affect the remainder of the agreement, which will continue in full force and effect.

Morgan McKinley Group Entities

For Ireland - Premier Recruitment International UC, a company incorporated and operating under the laws of Ireland (company registration number 131679) and located at Number 6, Lapps Quay, Cork trading as Morgan McKinley, La Creme, Accreate and M3S; or

For UK - Morgan McKinley Group Ltd a company incorporated and operating under the laws of England and Wales (company registration number 03037211) and located at 61 Aldwych, London, WC2B 4AE trading as Morgan McKinley;