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Career Guidance

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8 Tips for Negotiating

8 Tips for Negotiating Employment Contracts

You were sufficiently prepared for your interview and it went really well; every answer you gave matched their expectations. On top of your successful…

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Ireland Quarterly Employment

Ireland Quarterly Employment Monitor: Market sees…

Market dynamics shaped by sustainability drive and regulatory shiftsEmployers continue to push for more onsite days

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Job hopping: Boon or Bane?

Job hopping: Boon or Bane?

A gap in your resume or an average job tenure of 1.5 years or less would have been a big red flag for employers in the past. But times have changed.…

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In-demand Sales skills and

In-demand Sales skills and Marketing skills

Being able to identify key sales and marketing skills in prospective new team members is an important part of the recruitment process. Picking out…

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In-demand Risk &

In-demand Risk & Compliance skills

Many organisations are facing a skills shortage. Add to this the fact that recruitment markets have tightened up significantly, and it has never been…

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Top transferable skills

Top transferable skills companies value in a new hire

In a world of constant change and disruption, the skills you have today may be obsolete tomorrow. If you want to get ahead, you need to stand out from…

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The importance of career

The importance of career cushioning in today’s job…

Are you someone who casually answers a recruiter’s call just to see where it leads, or to check if you’ve still got your interview game on point? Do…

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How AI is Changing the Way We

How AI is Changing the Way We Apply for Jobs

Artificial intelligence (AI) has undeniably disrupted the recruitment process. While headlines often focus on AI replacing jobs, a fascinating shift is…

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How to make the switch from

How to make the switch from permanent to contractor?

As job seekers continue to chase a higher level of flexibility, greater variety in their working patterns, and more autonomy over their careers, the…

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