Estimated average salary:

Estimated average salary:
Our salaries are based on data from thousands of placements and inside industry knowledge from our expert recruitment teams. These salaries represent the average range considering a number of variables (industry, location, level of seniority etc.).
Estimated average salary:
Our salaries are based on data from thousands of placements and inside industry knowledge from our expert recruitment teams. These salaries represent the average range considering a number of variables (industry, location, level of seniority etc.).
Per Annum
According to our salary calculator, the average annual salary for Finance Managers working in Tokyo is ¥12,000,000.
Finance Managers: We've got you covered.
Whether you're looking to hire your next Finance Managers or you're searching for a new job in this space, we are perfectly positioned to help.
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Up, down or flat? The state of salaries.
Successive governments have tried to accelerate wage increases in Japan, but with limited success. This issue is more acute now than ever, as inflation and FX rates have reduced consumer spending power.
of organisations kept their salary bandings level over the second half of 2023.
of employers plan to increase salary offers in 2024 for certain, hard-to-fill roles.
of professionals are optimistic that they will receive an increase in 2024.
Download your Salary Guide for 2025.
Salary data, insights and advice to guide your talent strategies. Benchmark what you are paying your teams against the industry averages for roles in your location.

Salary advice: Get paid what you deserve.

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Most people’s primary career motivation is to earn as much money as they can..."

11 tips for negotiating your salary
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You’re good at your job, you may even be great at it. You’re an integral member of the team as well as an advocate for the wider business.

How to answer salary expectation questions
Knowing how to answer salary expectations questions is an important part of your job interview process.
Paying your people: All you need to know.

How to handle an employee’s pay rise request
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How to calculate a starting salary
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Should I put the salary in my job ad?
There’s an age-old question which divides many recruiters and key hiring decision makers

Pay transparency: How much do your colleagues make?
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