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2025 Supply Chain / Logistics Specialist Salaries in Tokyo

Estimated average salary:

Estimated average salary:

Our salaries are based on data from thousands of placements and inside industry knowledge from our expert recruitment teams. These salaries represent the average range considering a number of variables (industry, location, level of seniority etc.).

Estimated average salary:

Our salaries are based on data from thousands of placements and inside industry knowledge from our expert recruitment teams. These salaries represent the average range considering a number of variables (industry, location, level of seniority etc.).


Per Annum

According to our salary calculator, the average annual salary for Supply Chain / Logistics Specialists working in Tokyo is ¥9,000,000.

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High: This level of salary can be expected if you have vast experience, possess niche skills, and can complete complex tasks.


Median: This level of salary can be expected if you have solid experience, your skills are accomplished and you have proven yourself in the role.


Low: This level of salary can be expected if you are new to the role and haven't yet built up a huge amount of 'on-the-job' experience.

Up, down or flat? The state of salaries.

Successive governments have tried to accelerate wage increases in Japan, but with limited success. This issue is more acute now than ever, as inflation and FX rates have reduced consumer spending power.


of organisations kept their salary bandings level over the second half of 2023.


of employers plan to increase salary offers in 2024 for certain, hard-to-fill roles.


of professionals are optimistic that they will receive an increase in 2024.

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