6 Ways to Boost Engagement & Productivity
Here are 6 simple ways you can start boosting your employee engagement and productivity. There are many reasons to make sure your employees feel as…

All you need to know about Risk management in Fintech
In the last few years, Fintech companies have emerged and grown rapidly - especially in Singapore - by making use of technology as a solution and tool…

Women in Tech - Jacqui Visch
On this episode Jacqui and Louise talk about the challenges of being female leaders particularly in the mostly male dominated Tech and Data space. They…

6 Simple Ways to Develop a Positive Culture
A neglected culture increases turnover rates, decreases employee productivity and reduces your chance of being able to attract…

How to hire good developers - forget chasing…
We spoke with Ming T.Chow who is a technology leader within Rakuten (Kobo) on hiring great developers.

Executive search recruitment FAQs
Morgan McKinley Executive Search, the executive recruitment business line of our brand, has expanded to locations across APAC.

Introducing Morgan McKinley Executive Search Singapore
Caroline Law, who recently joined as Partner of the Technology Practice, gives her views on the launch of Morgan McKinley’s executive search…

Contractor vs employee: Which should you hire?
Do we hire a contractor or an employee on a permanent basis? This is a dilemma that hiring managers and companies face on a daily basis.

5 Considerations When Growing Your Business
Your business is growing. You’ve spent weeks, even months, in meetings and on calls defining the right growth strategy. Now that you’ve laid a solid…