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Career Advice

We all want to excel at work. Whether you’re seeking a promotion, going for a pay rise or looking to increase your value, our career advice contains priceless tips.

Benefits of Working with

Benefits of Working with Recruiters in Your Job Search

There are many benefits of working with a recruiter to help you in your job search. From saving time, to gaining access to exclusive roles to helping…

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Women in Tech - Jacqui Visch

Women in Tech - Jacqui Visch

On this episode Jacqui and Louise talk about the challenges of being female leaders particularly in the mostly male dominated Tech and Data space. They…

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Women in Leadership - Melanie

Women in Leadership - Melanie Evans

As part of the International Women’s Day, our Managing Director Louise Langridge interviewed Melanie Evans, CEO at ING Australia. In this video Melanie…

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Women in Leadership -

Women in Leadership - Samantha McGivern

A career is a very long thing. Just sit it out, things will change. Be patient.  Samantha was given this advice and shares how she made the…

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Women in Leadership - Louise

Women in Leadership - Louise Langridge

Women often feel that if they don't have all of the skills required for that next role or next challenge, they may feel they might not deserve it.…

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Women in Leadership - Vanessa

Women in Leadership - Vanessa Harding-Farrenberg

One of the things that I'm very aware of is that I'm an introvert in an industry that is full of extroverts.How to make sure your voice is heard if…

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Women in Leadership - Shannon

Women in Leadership - Shannon McFadden

The confidence came from me having conversations with people I thought of as sponsors or advocates of me.  There is so much to be learned from…

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Women in Tech - Jaqui Visch

Women in Tech - Jaqui Visch

We spoke to Jaqui Visch, Chief Digital Information Officer at PwC (previously Chief Technology and Data Officer at AMP) about her inspiring career…

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3 top tips for getting the

3 top tips for getting the best out of your…

It’s natural for you to want as much certainty and control over your assignment as possible.

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