Women in Tech - Sarah Vega, KPMG
"I think organisations also need to try exceptionally hard to find very senior female leaders who can attract other females leaders to the organisation."

Women in Tech - Hema Prasad, Westpac
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Data & Analytics. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Hema Prasad, Product Manager - Analytics had to say.

Women in Accounting & Finance - Lucy Masters,…
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Accounting and Finance. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Lucy Masters, Head of Audit at Westpac had to say.

Women in Transformation - Jill Hopkins
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Transformation. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Jill Hopkins, Executive Business Officer at BOQ, had to say.

Women in Tech - Shameela Gonzalez, Commonwealth Bank
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Technology. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Shameela Gonzales, Executive Manager - Better Risk Outcomes Program at Commonwealth Bank has to say.

Women in Accounting & Finance - Terese Wood,…
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Accounting and Finance. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Terese Wood from Westpac had to say.
Women in Accounting & Finance - Anastasia Clarke,…
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Accounting and Finance. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Anastasia Clarke, Chief Financial Officer of The GPT Group had to say.

Women in Tech - Angela Donohoe
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Technology. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Angela Donohoe, Chief Information Officer of BPAY had to say.

Women in Tech - Katie Rushforth, Metlife
To celebrate International Women's Day on Friday, 8 March 2019, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Data and Analytics. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Katie Rushforth, Senior Manager – Enterprise Data & Strategy at Metlife had to say.

Women in Tech - Duhita Khadepau, Assignar
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Data and Analytics. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Duhita Khadepau, Head of Data at Assignar had to say.

Women in Tech - Saranjit Charoenmuang, PwC
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Technology. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Saranjit Charoenmuang, Technology Consulting Director at PricewaterhouseCoopers had to say.

Women in Accounting & Finance - Shabana Cooke
To celebrate International Women's Day on March 8th, this week we will be bringing you a series of guest blogs from leading senior females in Accounting and Finance. They will be discussing their success, career-defining moments and what advice they would give to another female looking to pursue a similar career. This is what Shabana Cooke, Executive Manager – Financial Services at Commonwealth Bank had to say.