First 90 DAYS Template
Set yourself up for success in the first 90 days! Download the 90 Days template for candidates for a structured plan on setting and achieving your…
On Demand Webinar: Workforce in a Changing World
The future of work is now! This global pandemic has accelerated the requirement to change. It will be the organisations and teams that embrace this new…
9 tips to help your remote interview run smoothly
While plenty of organisations have been set up to function with a remote workforce for some time, one particular aspect remains where a face-to-face…
How COVID-19 is affecting hiring in Singapore
The outbreak of Covid-19 has dampened Singapore’s economy. Therefore, many firms are slowing down their hiring process, while some of them are showing…
Employer Branding on Social Media: 4 Strategies that…
‘A brand is no longer what we tell the consumer it is - it is what consumers tell each other it is.’ - Scott Cook
5 Interview Techniques That Actually Work
Have you ever felt that, after interviewing a person, you are still not entirely sure if they are the right fit for the role and your company? If so,…